The role fathers play is important, as their behaviors and attitudes affect the lifelong health of their children.
Dads are HOPE GIVERS! We can all be better fathers. And no matter where you are in your journey, Buffalo Fatherhood Initiative can help. While every dad's story is unique, all who attend our classes and access our services share a common goal: to grow. Nurturing Fathers is a FREE program that helps fathers and father figures develop parenting and co-parenting skills, build healthy relationships, and become the best version of themselves.
The next class will start September 17th, in-person, at Enterprise Charter School, 275 Oak St., Buffalo, NY 14203. Sessions will run from 6-8pm, twice a week, for 6.5 weeks, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Food will be served and incentives for attendance are available.
Contact Mike McKnight at (313) 268-6924 or email him at for more information or if you have questions.