Supporting pregnant & postpartum families

Providing improved access to mental health care, provider connection, and community engagement.

mental health providers

Explore our mental health provider directory of therapists and prescribers specializing in perinatal mental health.

postpartum support services

Explore our directory of specialists—like doulas, lactation specialists, and pelvic floor therapists—throughout WNY.

Hands touching

Find Support

Explore support groups available on a variety of perinatal topics to help your healing journey.

A woman playing with her baby

Get Connected

Do you need help connecting with a provider who specializes in pregnancy or postpartum mental health? Let us know and we’ll do our best to connect you with a provider in our network.

A woman using telehealth on her laptop

For professionals

Do you specialize in Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders? Learn more about joining our provider network and get information about training opportunities, scholarships, and more.


Support our work

We believe that no mother should suffer in silence because of a lack of resources. Your tax deductible donation will be used to help families throughout the WNY community by keeping this website available for all and by supporting community initiatives aimed at removing barriers to care for underserved members of our community.