WNY Postpartum Connection

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Fathers, Partners, and Other Family Member Resources

Advice for New Dads – Videos and Interviews with Dr. Daniel Singley
Dr. Singley is a San Diego-based board certified psychologist and Director of The Center for Men’s Excellence. His research and practice focus on men’s mental health with a particular emphasis on reproductive psychology and the transition to fatherhood. Click here to watch.

A Note to Dads
From Karen Kleiman and the Postpartum Stress Center.  Click here for more resources for partners and families.

Beyond the Blues - Partners
The following is Chapter 4 of Beyond the Blues, by Shoshana S. Bennett, PhD, and Pec Indman, EdD, MFT. The authors have generously given permission to have this chapter posted here (on the PSI website). To get a copy of their book, visit the PSI Bookstore.  This chapter is designed to provide support to you, the partner, regardless of your gender or marital status.

BPPN - Responsible Fatherhood Initiative
Program activities and services address: Personal Development & mentoring, Parenting & co-parenting, Strengthening positive father-child engagement, Promoting Financial literacy (FDIC Money Smart curriculum), Economic stability (Coordination with workforce development initiatives). Click here for more info.

Chats for Dads - First Monday of each Month
What can I do to support my partner? Am I the only guy who’s struggling with becoming a dad? Join our Chat with an Expert phone forum the first Monday of every month for reliable information, support, and resources. This is a place where dads, partners, extended family members or other support people, and professionals can find some answers and support from an expert – and from other men. You’ll find honest and compassionate talk about the adjustment to parenthood, information about how fatherhood can affect you, and some helpful advice.

Schedule of Call-In Times
First Monday of every month
5pm Pacific, 7pm Central, 8pm Eastern
Call in number is 1-800-944-8766,  code 73162#
Click here for more information

The Facts on Paternal Postnatal Depression | Dr. Christina Hibbert
As an expert on postpartum mental health, I get this question all the time. And the answer is: “Yes”. Men can, and do, get depressed after the baby comes and even during pregnancy. In fact, depression in new dads has its own name: Paternal Postnatal Depression.  Click here for more facts.

"Fathers Respond to Perinatal and Postpartum Mood & Anxiety Disorders"
Watch PSI's video where dads share their experience coping with a partner with postpartum depression. These stories and tips from other dads will hopefully provide you with some support and hope as you go through this difficult time.  Click here for the video

Help for Partners and Families | Postpartum Support International (PSI)
PSI offers you tools that will help you support the person who is struggling, and also help you get through this difficult time.

Postpartum Pact
Karen Kleiman offers several ways to help and support someone dealing with postpartum depression.  For a very helpful guide click here for the Postpartum Pact.

Postpartum Dads 
This website was created by David Klinker as a forum to help dads and families by providing firsthand information and guidance. David also facilitates a private Facebook group that can be joined by sending a request to info@postpartumdads.org.

PostpartumMen is a place for men with concerns about depression, anxiety or other problems with mood after the birth of a child. It promotes self-help, provides important information for fathers – including a self-assessment for postpartum depression – hosts an online forum for dads to talk to each other, offers resources, gathers new information about men’s experiences postpartum, and – most importantly – helps fathers to beat the baby blues. Yes, men do get postpartum depression. It’s a fact that most people – and even many health professionals – don’t know. As a result, most men with postpartum depression suffer in isolation. With PostpartumMen, these dads are no longer alone.  Click here to go to the website.

Postpartum Support International

Pregnancy and postpartum mood and anxiety disorders affect the whole family. Here are some tips that might help you along the way. Remember that you will get through this with help and support. There is no magic cure, and sometimes recovery seems slow, but things will keep improving if you stick to a plan of healthcare, support, and communication.  Click here for the PSI tip sheet.

books that might be helpful

  • "I'm Listening: A guide to Supporting Postpartum Families" by Jane Honikman, MS.  Teaches individuals how to help women and families struggling with maternal mental health issues.

  • "The Postpartum Husband: Practical Solutions for living with Postpartum Depression" by Karen Kleiman

  • "Tokens of Affection - reclaiming your marriage after postpartum depression”  by Karen Kleiman

  • "And Baby Makes Three: The Six Step Plan for Preserving Marital Intimacy and Rekindling Romance After Baby Arrives" By John Gottman and Julie Schwartz Gottman

  • "Parental Mental Health - Factoring in Fathers" by Jane Honikman and Daniel Singley